Sunday, September 16, 2012

Speech Overview

Since cell phones were banned for the subject for the speeches I wanted to do something really different and maybe kind of funny. I wanted to do my speech on socks but I don’t know if it is too much of a joke or if I could talk for the required amount of time on that so I will also do an overview of a second topic which will be my laptop. If you could comment and tell me which would be better that would be much appreciated.

1)      Uses
a.       Socks keep your feet warm and toasty
b.      Socks provide comfort for your feet
2)      Protection
a.       Socks prevent blisters from your shoes
b.      Socks protect your feet from whatever gross stuff is on your floors

3)      Stylish
a.       Socks definitely make fashion statement
b.      Different varieties of socks
c.       Socks with certain shoes

4)      Why socks?
a.       I have a fear of feet
b.      When bare feet are around my things or my body I freak out and socks make it so much more bearable
c.       For some reason I always seem to have cold feet so I have a great need for socks

1)      Uses
a.       Use it for homework
b.      Writing papers
c.       Can play games on it
d.      Skype friends from home

2)      Internet
a.       With the internet, knowledge is just one click away
b.      Can access Facebook and other sites

3)      Efficient
a.       Battery life is very good
b.      Can take it with you anywhere

4)      Me and my laptop
a.       When I got it
b.      What it would be like without it

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